New look for the Common Smartcard website

Informative and user-friendly – this is how the new homepage of the Industry Association for Common Smartcard Solutions e.V. can be described. The heart of the website is the “responsive” design. This means that the site recognises which device the user is accessing it with and adjusts the virtual structure accordingly. This applies in particular to the arrangement and presentation of individual elements, such as the navigation, page columns and texts. In this way, the visitor gets to know the association online “barrier-free”.

The focus is on detailed information about the association’s work. In addition to an animated explanatory film, current news from members and press releases, the user can also follow Common Smartcard interactively on Twitter, Xing and Youtube. For members of the association, there is also an internal discussion forum for activities in the network.

“The relaunch of our website is the prelude to a new external appearance. This includes, for example, new association brochures and trade fair elements. This will give our association work a significant boost,” says Walter Neuhaus, Chairman of Common Smartcard, happily.

More information can be found on the Internet at

Press contact:

Industry Association for Common Smartcard Solutions e.V.
Mr Timo Stehn
Phone 04154-799340