EuVend 2013: successful trade fair in Cologne

The EuVend trade fair opened its gates again in Cologne from 19-21 September 2013.Conquering new markets and sales channels was again the primary objective of those taking part at Europe’s one and only platform for the vending industry.The Common Smartcard Solutions Association and member companies had a joint presence at the fair to showcase their products and activities.

The main focus was on “barrier-free” interaction of vending machine and smartcard.E-payment using smartcards is a dominant trend, fosters customer loyalty and enhances profitability.Vending machine operators and providers benefit from the trend, as do consumers.However, many smartcard solutions involve provider-specific coding, which makes it more difficult for machine operators to switch to a different manufacturer.Common Smartcard therefore advocates standardised data structures in RFID projects of this kind.

Just how practical such common data structures for RFID projects can be was demonstrated by the Common Smartcard Solutions Association on its joint stand.Every member company exhibiting at the fair was given contactless smartcards with standardised coding in the run-up to the event.This made it possible for visitors to our stand to discover all the different products offered by the various member companies using a single card.Our presence at the trade fair was successful.Many visitors came to our stand and expressed interest in joining the Association.

Pictures of the stand and more information about the promotional activities of our member companies can be found on our youtube channel and on Twitter. Enjoy!